Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago

Contact: Scott Morgan

433 West Van Buren Street
Suite 501S
United States

Tel: 2243405793

Email: smorgan@fhlbc.com

About Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago

The Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago is a $100 billion wholesale bank and one of 11 district banks chartered in 1932 by the U.S. Congress to support mortgage lending and community investment. Each FHLBank operates as an independent organization and is governed by a board of directors elected by its member institutions. As a cooperative, we provide reliable liquidity to our member banks, credit unions, insurance companies, and community development financial institutions located in Illinois and Wisconsin, focusing on the distinct needs of their individual businesses and communities. We offer products and services to help our members fund loans and investments held in portfolio, manage liquidity, fund mortgages into the secondary market, secure third party agreements, and achieve asset liability management goals. Through our Community Investment and Affordable Housing programs, we also help our members to provide affordable housing and economic development in the communities they serve. FHLBank Chicago is a place, where everyone can make a difference—both for our organization and for the communities we serve through our member financial institutions. We aim to create a diverse and inclusive environment where employees are fully engaged and positioned to do their best work. Teamwork is valued, and even entry-level hires may find themselves working side-by-side with senior-level executives.

14 jobs with Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago